infO(1) Cup 2024: |
infO(1) Cup 2024, Day 1 | Gregor and maximum length | Ping-Pong | XORsecv |
infO(1) Cup 2024, Day 2 | Maxstack | Lattice | Bracket Wheel |
infO(1) Cup 2023: |
infO(1) Cup 2023, Day 1 | Game | Valentine's Day | Sequences |
infO(1) Cup 2023, Day 2 | Caesar Is Back | Treasure Hunting | Statues |
infO(1) Cup 2022: |
infO(1) Cup 2022, Day 1 | Sumex | NiceSet | Tennis |
infO(1) Cup 2022, Day 2 | Date | Hide and seek | Ezlulu |
infO(1) Cup 2021: |
infO(1) Cup 2021, International Round | Jumpy | CoolRot |
infO(1) Cup 2021, National Round | Fiboxor | Mirrored | Wonderland |
infO(1) Cup 2021, Practice Round | Palindrome | SubsetCheating |
infO(1) Cup 2020 | Cheerleader | Trampoline | Football | Table Tennis |