Friendly Note

Time limit: 0.25s Memory limit: 64MB Input: Output:

Italian people have a very peculiar way to permanently settle a dispute: they prepare a friendly note, politely describing their personal point of view about the matter, and deliver it secretly to each other. In order to add a dash of fun, they usually prepare the note by cutting and pasting sequences of characters from newspapers.

Giorgio makes no exception, and his long-standing dispute with his neighbour (about noise complaints) requires him to finally take action and defend his honour. He thus collected a lot of copies of his favourite newspaper, La Stampa, and is now ready to prepare his friendly note NN.

Since Giorgio feels unconfortable with scissors, he would prefer to cut and paste the smallest number of character sequences from the newspaper content SS. Help Giorgio produce text NN by juxtaposing as few contiguous subsequences of text SS as possible, assuming that these subsequences can freely overlap (remember: he collected a lot of copies of that newspaper).

Input data

The first line contains string NN. The second line contains string SS.

Output data

You need to write a single line with an integer: the least number of subsequences Giorgio needs to cut and paste.

Constraints and clarifications

  • Strings NN and SS consist of ASCII printable characters only.
  • 1N1 000 0001 \leq |N| \leq 1 \ 000 \ 000.
  • 1S10 0001 \leq |S| \leq 10 \ 000.
  • It is always possible to obtain the string NN from substrings of SS.

Your program will be tested against several test cases grouped in subtasks. The score in each subtask will be calculated as the minimum score obtained in any of its test cases, multiplied by the value of the subtask. The score in a test case will be 00 if you output a number that is lower than the optimal solution or higher than the length of NN. Otherwise, it will be calculated as: ΔmaxΔoutΔmax+10Δout\frac{\Delta_{max} − \Delta_{out}}{\Delta_{max} + 10 \cdot \Delta_{out}}, where Δout\Delta_{out} is the difference between your solution and the optimal solution, and Δmax\Delta_{max} is the difference between the length of NN and the optimal solution.

# Score Constraints
1 5 Examples
2 10 NN consists of a single character repeated multiple times.
3 20 The length of NN and SS is at most 2020
4 25 The length of N1 000N \leq 1 \ 000
5 25 The length of S1 000S \leq 1 \ 000
6 15 No additional limitations.

Example 1


@dd10 v1cin *
0 v@d1ci *n




In the first sample case, the friendly note can be composed by the following fragments: @d, d1, 0 v, 1ci, n, *.

Example 2


caro vicino vuoi smetterla di fare casino
Il caro vita sale ancora : se sei mancino vuoi smettere di comprare oggetti appositi , per esempio . Fare cassa e’ sempre piu ’ difficile ; parola di fiscalista .




In the second sample case, the friendly note can be composed by the following fragments: caro vi, cino vuoi smetter, la di f, are cas, ino.

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