
Time limit: 0.3s Memory limit: 64MB Input: Output:

A permutation with 2N2 \cdot N values is written on NN rows with two elements each, thus forming two columns.


Choose a maximum number of rows MM on which, if we write the elements one beneath the other and read them from top to bottom, the elements of the column on the left form an ascending sequence, and the elements of the column on the right form a descending sequence.

Input data

The first line contains the natural number NN. Each of the following NN lines contains two natural numbers separated by a space. All the 2N2 \cdot N elements are distinct natural numbers from the set {1,2,,2N}\{1,2, \dots, 2 \cdot N \}.

Output data

The first line will contain the maximum number of rows MM, followed by MM pairs of numbers from the input, which form an ascending sequence on the first column, respectively a descending sequence on the second column.

Constraints and clarifications

  • 1N300 0001 \leq N \leq 300 \ 000 (12N600 0001 \leq 2 \cdot N \leq 600 \ 000).
  • There can be several solutions for the problem.
  • If you print only the correct number of rows, you get 20%20\% of the score.
  • The test cases are not the same as the ones used in the contest, so the scores might be slightly different from these obtained in the real contest.
# Points Constraints
0 0 Examples.
1 70 N10 000N \le 10 \ 000
2 30 N300 000N \leq 300 \ 000



7 3
12 10
11 16
4 2
9 8
14 5
1 15
6 13 


1 15
6 13
9 8
14 5 



We have a permutation with 1616 elements arranged on 88 rows out of which the maximum number of rows that satisfy the task of the problem is M=4M=4.

The pairs of numbers (1 15)(6 13)(9 8)(14 5)(1 \ 15) (6 \ 13) (9 \ 8) (14 \ 5) can be found in the rows of the permutation which is given in the input file. The first numbers on the row form the ascending sequence (1 6 9 14)(1 \ 6 \ 9 \ 14), and the other numbers form the descending sequence (15 13 8 5)(15 \ 13 \ 8 \ 5).

Another possible solution can be

  • 1 151 \ 15
  • 6 136 \ 13
  • 12 1012 \ 10
  • 14 514 \ 5

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