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A KST is a search tree which has KK values in every node and K+1K+1 children. For example, for K=1K=1 a KST becomes a binary search tree. The values inside each node are sorted in ascending order. We will write viv_i for the value on the position ii of a node. The tree has the following property: for every node, its first child will contain smaller values than v1v_1, the second child will contain values in the interval (v1,v2)(v_1, v_2), the third child will contain values in the interval (v2,v3)(v_2, v_3), \dots, the penultimate child will contain values in the interval (vK1,vK)(v_{K-1}, v_K), and the last child will contain larger values than vKv_K.

A node cannot have children if it does not contain KK values. The leaves can contain even fewer than KK values.


Given NN – the number of elements and KK, the task is to find out how many such trees exist. The elements will be 1,2,3,,N1,2,3,\dots,N. For example, the following two trees are valid for N=13N = 13 and K=3K = 3.

Input data

The first line contains the numbers NN and KK.

Output data

The first line will display how many such trees exist, modulo 666 013666 \ 013.

Constraints and clarifications

  • 1N,K1 0001 \leq N, K \leq 1 \ 000
  • For 10%10\% of the testcases, N10N \leq 10 and K4K \leq 4.
  • For another 15%15\% of the testcases, N25N \leq 25 and K4K \leq 4.
  • For another 25%25\% of the testcases, N1 000N \leq 1 \ 000 and K=1K = 1.

Example 1


5 1



Example 2


5 2



Example 3


666 13



Example 4


987 123



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