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You have a tree (a connected acyclic graph) of NN nodes indexed from 11 to NN. Each node ii has an integer value Vi>1V_i > 1 assigned to it.

You are given QQ queries, where each query ii consists of two integers AiA_i and BiB_i. Your task is to find the minimum value (greater than 1) that is not divisible by any of the assigned values on the path between AiA_i and BiB_i, including the values assigned to AiA_i and BiB_i.


The first line contains one integer NN (2N100 0002 \le N \le 100\ 000), the number of nodes. The second line contains NN integers V1,V2,,VNV_1, V_2, \ldots, V_N (2Vi100 000 0002 \le V_i \le 100\ 000\ 000).

Each of the following N1N-1 lines contains two integers aa and bb, meaning that there is an edge between aa and bb.

The next line contains one integer QQ (1Q100 0001 \le Q \le 100\ 000), the number of queries. Each of the next QQ lines contains two integers AiA_i and BiB_i, describing a query.

For tests worth 55 points: N,Q1000N, Q \le 1000 and every node is connected to at most 22 other nodes.

For tests worth 55 points: N,Q1000N, Q \le 1000.

For tests worth 1010 points: Vi3V_i \le 3 for each i=1Ni=1\ldots N and every node is connected to at most 22 other nodes.

For tests worth 1010 points: Vi3V_i \le 3 for each i=1Ni=1\ldots N.

For tests worth 1010 points: All ViV_i values are unique for i=1Ni=1\ldots N and every node is connected to at most 22 other nodes.

For tests worth 1515 points: All ViV_i values are unique for i=1Ni=1\ldots N.

For tests worth 2020 points: Every node is connected to at most 22 other nodes.

For tests worth 2525 points: No additional limitations.


For each query, you need to write a single line with an integer representing the answer to that query.


7 25 8 4 1000000 6 11 3 2
5 7
5 1
5 6
7 3
1 2
1 4
6 8
2 9
8 9
3 8
4 9




In the sample case:

  • Node values on the path of the first query are 33, 66, 10000001000000, 77, 2525, 22. The minimum integer not divisible by any of them is 55.
  • Node values on the path of the second query are 88, 1111, 10000001000000, 66, 33. The minimum integer not divisible by any of them is 22.
  • Node values on the path of the third query are 44, 77, 2525, 22. The minimum integer not divisible by any of them is 33.

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