RoAlgo Contest #12 - NiceContest | E. Nice Limbo

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After many sleepless nights trying to beat Limbo on Geometry Dash, you finally gave in and fell asleep in your chair. In your astral journey, you found 88 keys arranged in the form of a matrix with 44 rows and 22 columns. We denote with Ci,jC_{i,j} the key at row ii and column jj. The matrix CC is indexed from 00. Each key has an associated color. The colors of the keys are distinct.

The following operations can be performed on this assembly of keys:

  • X0 - swap C0,0C_{0,0} with C1,1C_{1,1}; C0,1C_{0,1} with C1,0C_{1,0}; C2,0C_{2,0} with C3,1C_{3,1}; C2,1C_{2,1} with C3,0C_{3,0};
  • X1 - swap C0,0C_{0,0} with C3,1C_{3,1}; C0,1C_{0,1} with C3,0C_{3,0}; C1,0C_{1,0} with C2,1C_{2,1}; C1,1C_{1,1} with C2,0C_{2,0};
  • Ol - C0,0C_{0,0}; C0,1C_{0,1}; C1,1C_{1,1}; C2,1C_{2,1}; C3,1C_{3,1}; C3,0C_{3,0}; C2,0C_{2,0}; C1,0C_{1,0} rotate circularly to the left;
  • Or - C0,0C_{0,0}; C0,1C_{0,1}; C1,1C_{1,1}; C2,1C_{2,1}; C3,1C_{3,1}; C3,0C_{3,0}; C2,0C_{2,0}; C1,0C_{1,0} rotate circularly to the right;
  • ol - C0,0C_{0,0}; C0,1C_{0,1}; C1,1C_{1,1}; C1,0C_{1,0} and C2,0C_{2,0}; C2,1C_{2,1}; C3,1C_{3,1}; C3,0C_{3,0} rotate circularly to the left;
  • or - C0,0C_{0,0}; C0,1C_{0,1}; C1,1C_{1,1}; C1,0C_{1,0} and C2,0C_{2,0}; C2,1C_{2,1}; C3,1C_{3,1}; C3,0C_{3,0} rotate circularly to the right;
  • S - swap C0,0C_{0,0} with C2,0C_{2,0}; C0,1C_{0,1} with C2,1C_{2,1}; C1,0C_{1,0} with C3,0C_{3,0}; C1,1C_{1,1} with C3,1C_{3,1};
  • R - rotate the matrix CC by 180180 degrees.


Only one of these keys is the correct one. For simplicity, we will consider that the correct key is always initially located at (0,0)(0, 0). You are bored and apply exactly NN random operations. After you finish applying the operations, display for each position (i,j)(i, j) in the matrix the probability in the form Pβ‹…Qβˆ’1P \cdot {Q}^{-1} that the correct key will be at (i,j)(i, j) after the NN operations, modulo 109+7{10}^{9}+7.

Constraints and clarifications:

  • 0≀N≀1090 \leq N \leq {10}^{9}
  • For 10%10 \% of the tests: N≀7N \leq 7
  • For 60%60 \% of the tests: N≀1Β 000Β 000N \leq 1\ 000\ 000
  • It can be proven that all probabilities can be represented as an irreductible fraction of the form P/QP / Q.

Example 1:




1 0
0 0
0 0
0 0


No operations are performed. The correct key remains in cell (0,0)(0, 0) (11=1\frac{1}{1} = 1).

Example 2:




0 250000002
250000002 125000001
125000001 0
0 250000002


There are exactly 88 possible sequences of moves.

For (0,0)(0, 0), there is no sequence of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (0,0)(0, 0).
For (0,1)(0, 1), there are 22 sequences of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (0,1)(0, 1): Or and or.
For (1,0)(1, 0), there are 22 sequences of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (1,0)(1, 0): Ol and ol.
For (1,1)(1, 1), there is 11 sequence of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (1,1)(1, 1): X0.
For (2,0)(2, 0), there is 11 sequence of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (2,0)(2, 0): S.
For (2,1)(2, 1), there is no sequence of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (2,1)(2, 1).
For (3,0)(3, 0), there is no sequence of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (3,0)(3, 0).
For (3,1)(3, 1), there are 22 sequences of 11 move after which the correct key is in cell (3,1)(3, 1): R and X1.

Example 3:




265464296 292931484
340193730 718335589
531664420 909806279
957068525 984535713


In the Limbo level from Geometry Dash, exactly 2626 random moves are applied each time.

Example 4:




595491153 534885681
436356732 994853266
255146743 813643277
715114328 654508856


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