RoAlgo Contest #3 | legat

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Lensu was challenged by Buzdi and Cosmin to play a game called "Legat". This game takes place in a palace with NN rooms, numbered from 1 to NN, connected by MM one-way doors, such that you cannot return to a room you've already visited during the game. This game consists of NN rounds, which proceed as follows:

  • In round i, Lensu will be placed in a starting room different from those in the previous i - 1 rounds and will be blindfolded.
  • He can pass through at most LL doors.
  • During the game, Lensu can say "STOP", at which point, if he is in room NN, he wins and the game ends. If he is not in room NN, he will proceed to the next round.

If Lensu does not win after NN rounds, he loses the game.


Lensu wants to place a bet with Buzdi and Cosmin. To know how much to bet, he wants to determine the probability of winning the game.

Input data

The first line contains the natural numbers NN, MM, and LL. The next MM lines each contain two natural numbers x y, separated by a space, indicating that there is a door leading from room x to room y.

Output data

Print a single natural number PP, representing the probability that Lensu wins the game. This number will be printed modulo 1,000,000,0071,000,000,007.

Constraints and clarifications

  • 2N100,0002 \leq N \leq 100,000
  • 1M500,0001 \leq M \leq 500,000
  • 1L1001 \leq L \leq 100
  • P=numberoffavorablecasesnumberofpossiblecasesP = \frac{number of favorable cases}{number of possible cases}
  • Probability PP is a fraction ab\frac{a}{b} expressed as a×b1a \times b^{-1}, where b1b^{-1} is the modular inverse of bb modulo 1,000,000,0071,000,000,007.
  • Lensu does not necessarily play optimally; he only knows how many doors he has opened.
  • For 21 points, 2N100,1M2002 \leq N \leq 100, 1 \leq M \leq 200



8 10 3
6 2
4 2
2 8
3 8
2 3
1 3
7 4
4 5
1 6
1 7




There are 11 scenarios where he reaches room 8 and says "STOP" by passing through at most 3 doors. In each scenario, he will pass in order through the rooms:

  • (8)(8)
  • (2,8)(2, 8)
  • (3,8)(3, 8)
  • (1,3,8)(1, 3, 8)
  • (6,2,8)(6, 2, 8)
  • (4,2,8)(4, 2, 8)
  • (2,3,8)(2, 3, 8)
  • (6,2,3,8)(6, 2, 3, 8)
  • (4,2,3,8)(4, 2, 3, 8)
  • (7,4,2,8)(7, 4, 2, 8)
  • (1,6,2,8)(1, 6, 2, 8)

The total number of scenarios in which he passes through at most 3 doors and says "STOP" in one of the rooms is 36. Thus, the probability that Lensu wins is 1136\frac{11}{36}, and 1136\frac{11}{36} modulo 1,000,000,0071,000,000,007 = 305555558305555558.

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