Pepi and his friends

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Pepi is an outstanding student studying Computer Science in Bucharest. In his year the total number of students is 2N2^N . Because Pepi cares a lot about his fellow students he doesn't bother remembering their names but he has assigned everyone, including himself, an ID from 00 to 2N12^N - 1.

The students in Pepi's year have organized a charitable event for the Ukrainian people where every student came dressed in 11 of 22 colors, either yellow or blue (it is possible that everyone wore only one of the 22 colors). Unfortunately, Pepi forgot how everyone was dressed but he desperately wants to remember.

Because Pepi is a good judge of the human mind he remembers that any student S1S1 talked to one of his classmates S2S2 if and only if their ID differ by 11 bit (in their binary representation). Also, Pepi is sure that any student S1S1 did not talk to more than N\lceil \sqrt{N} \rceil classmates that wore the same color as S1S1. Pepi remembers clearly the fact that the number of students that wore yellow was not equal to the number of students that wore blue.

Because this problem is a trivial one for Pepi he requests that you find any possible way that he and his friends were dressed at the event.


On the first line there is one number NN (1N221 ≤ N ≤ 22) that has the meaning from the problem statement.


On a single line there have to be printed 2N2^N values. These represent the colors Pepi and his classmates wore during the event, taking into account all the conditions Pepi remembers.

To simplify this problem the colors will be encoded: 00 meaning yellow and 11 meaning blue. A value found at the position ii in the output string represents the color that the student with the ID i1i-1 wore during the event (the first value from the output string is the color that the student with ID 00 wore).

If there is more than one solution print any of them.







There are 22 students with IDs ranging from 00 to 11. The student with the ID 00 talks only with the student with ID 11 and he doesn't talk to more than 1=1\lceil \sqrt{1} \rceil = 1 students dressed with the same color as him.

The number of students dressed in yellow is not equal to the number of students dressed in blue. So, a possible way that the students were dressed would be blue and blue (1111). Of course, yellow, yellow (0000) is another great solution.

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