Progressive Art

Time limit: 0.18s Memory limit: 256MB Input: Output:

Carlo is a big fan of progressive music and he recently found out that progressive paintings exist too! Clearly, he wants to dive into it, therefore he hired you as his assistant. A progressive painting is made using Vim, and consists of a rectangle of N×MN \times M coloured square cells. Since Carlo wants to be even more progressive, he only uses the colors red, green, and blue.

Carlo has a weird way of judging the beauty of his works. He invented a measure called LL-beauty. A square of size LL (that is, consisiting of L×LL\times L contiguous cells of the painting) is beautiful if it contains an equal number of red, green, and blue cells. The LL-beauty of the painting is the number of beautiful squares of size LL in it.


Carlo asked you a question to test your skill. Given NN, MM, LL and KK, does a painting with NN rows, MM columns, and an LL-beauty equal to KK exist? If so, could you paint one for him?

Input data

The input file consists of a single line, containing the integers NN, MM, LL, and KK.

Output data

If it is possible to produce a suitable painting, you have to output N+1N + 1 lines:

  • One line containing the string YES.
  • NN lines, each containing a string of length MM, consisting of R, G, and B only, representing red, green, and blue cells in the painting.

If it is not possible to do so, you have to output a single line containing the string NO.

Constraints and clarifications

  • 1N1 0001 \le N \le 1 \ 000
  • 1M1 0001 \le M \le 1 \ 000
  • 1Lmin(N,M)1 \le L \le \min(N, M)
  • 0KNM0 \le K \le N\cdot M
# Points Constraints
1 0 Examples
2 30 K1K \leq 1
3 50 N3N \leq 3
4 20 No additional constraints

Example 1


4 3 2 4




It is not possible to make a painting satisfying the constraints.

Example 2


4 4 3 2




One possible painting, represented in the output, is the following:

It contains 44 squares of size 33, that are the following:

Only the first 22 of them contain the same amount of red, green and blue cells. Hence, the painting satisfies Carlo's request.

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