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Carlo, as many other people in Provincia di Treviso, produces a lot of rubbish with each activity he carries out during his day.

Still, he is a strong advocate of separate waste collection, and for this reason he has NN trash bins at home, indexed from 00 to N1N-1, each one for a different type of garbage (plastic, cans, glass, ...).

Every trash bin has a capacity of CiC_i bags, that can never be exceeded, otherwise Treviso's image would be hurt.

Fortunately, every night the S.A.V.N.O., garbage truck passes by and can completely empty a single continuous interval of trash cans, removing all of their contents. Note that the garbage truck can clear at most one interval per night.
Obviously, such a great service comes at a cost (the waste-tax): the price of clearing an interval is the sum of the unused capacities for each trash bin in that interval.

More formally, if UiU_i is the number of bags in the ii-th trash bin, the price of emptying an interval [L,R][L, R] is: i=LRCiUi\sum_{i=L}^{R}{C_i - U_i}.

Carlo, after struggling for quite some time with keeping the bins empty, decides to manage his trash more efficiently. Right now, all of his bins are empty. Over the next KK days, on day jj (j=0,1,,K1j=0,1,\ldots, K-1), he will produce QjQ_j bags of a single garbage type TjT_j, which he will put in the right trash bin. Every evening he will decide whether to call the neturb`in to empty a range of his bins.

After those KK days, Carlo will go to Milan, and he would like to have all his trash bins emptied before leaving home.

He doesn't have a lot of money, so help him find out the minimal amount he will have to spend.


The first line contains the integers NN (1N21051 \le N \le 2 * 10^5) and KK (1K21051 \le K \le 2 * 10^5), the number of trash bins and the number of days.
The second line contains NN integers CiC_i (1Ci1091 \le C_i \le 10^9), the capacity of the trash bins.

Each of the following KK lines contains two integers: Tj(0TjN1)T_j (0 \le T_j \le N-1), Qj(1Qj109)Q_j (1 \le Q_j \le 10^9), the type of trash and the number of bags Carlo will produce on day jj, respectively.

For tests worth 88 points: N3,K6N \le 3, K \le 6

For tests worth 99 more points: N5,K7N \le 5, K \le 7

For tests worth 2525 more points: Carlo produces each type of trash at least once.

For tests worth 2020 more points: Over the KK days, Carlo produces at most CiC_i bags of trash of type ii, for each i=0N1i=0\ldots N-1


You need to write a single integer: the minimum price Carlo has to pay to have all his trash bins emptied after the KK days.

Example 1


2 3
5 7
0 4
1 1
1 7



Example 2


5 7
66 73 68 79 78
2 50
3 69
0 1
2 20
4 12
1 44
3 11



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