
Time limit: 2s
Memory limit: 256MB
Output: ones.out

There is a hidden array of N bits - a0,...,aN1a_0, ..., a_{N-1}. In one query, you can choose a subset of positions in the sequence and flip the bits at those positions. Flipping a 0 bit changes it to a 1 and flipping a 1 bit turns it into a 0. After each query, you are given the length of the longest consecutive subarray of 1s in the new array. Such queries persist, i.e. a flipped bit from a previous query will stay flipped until flipped back.

You want to find where the longest subarray of ones in the array (or any one of them if multiple ones exist) is located after all queries. Write a program to do this in as few queries as possible.

Implementation details

There are T subtests per test.

Your program needs to implement a function with the following prototype:

std::pair<int,int> find_longest_subarray_of_ones(int n);

It will be called T times per test and receives the integer N as a parameter – the length of the hidden array. The function should return a pair {l,r}, where l is the index of the leftmost part of the subarray and r is the index of the rightmost part of the subarray.

You should use the function flip_bits to make queries:

int flip_bits(const std::vector<bool> &flips);

It receives a vector of N bits flips0,...,flipsn1{flips}_0, ..., {flips}_{n-1}, where flipsi=1{flips}_i=1 would signify that aia_i should be flipped. After flipping the required bits, the function returns the length of the longest subarray of ones in the hidden sequence.

You must submit the code which contains the find_longest_subarray_of_ones function. It may contain other code and functions necessary for your work, but it must not contain the main function. Also, you must not read from the standard input or print to the standard output. Your program must also include the ones.h header file by instruction to the preprocessor:

#include "ones.h"

Local testing

You are given the file _grader.cpp, which can be compiled with your program to test it. It will read the number of subtests T for the test, followed by a description of each of them. For each subtest, first the integer N will be given, followed by a0...aN1a_0 ... a_{N-1} on the next line. If it runs correctly, the program will output 1 and the maximum number of queries you have requested. Otherwise, it will print 0.


  • T = 5
  • 1 ≤ N ≤ 10^4
  • 0ai1 0 ≤ a_i ≤ 1


If your program is wrong for any subtest, your score will be 0. Otherwise, the score you receive for the problem depends on the maximum number of queries Q your program has used to solve a single subtest. The score that you receive for the problem is:

If Q >= 60: (60Q)0.21570 \displaystyle {\left( \frac{60}{Q} \right) }^{0.215} \cdot 70
Else, Q < 60 and the score is: 32max(40,Q)+160 \displaystyle -\frac{3}{2} max(40,Q)+160


Let the starting array be 1, 0, 1. Then one way for the communication to go is:

Jury’s program: Calls find_longest_subarray_of_ones(3)
Contestant’s function: Calls flip_bits({0, 0, 0})
Jury’s program: Returns the value 1
Contestant’s function: Calls flip_bits({0, 1, 0})
Jury’s program: Returns the value 3
Contestant’s function: Returns the value {0, 2}

Problem info

ID: 312

Editor: liviu

Source: IATI Shumen 2022 Senior: Day 1, Problem 2


IATI Shumen 2022 Senior: Day 1


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