It is the first day of school and you are in Computer Science class. Your best friend Iuli has a new challenge for you.
He hands you a string consisting of lowercase english characters and asks you to find the length of all its periods.
A period of a string is a prefix of it which has the property that the string can be written as a concatenation of that prefix with itself for a finite number of times.
For example, the periods of are .
Due to the high ammount of input and output data, it is recommended to code in C++, use streams and the following instructions before reading the input for speedup:
Input data
On the first line there will be an integer , the number of testcases.
On each of the next lines there will be a string , containing lowercase letters of the english alphabet.
The sum of lengths of all strings in the input will not exceed .
Output data
The output will consist of lines.
On line there will be a list of integers signifying the periods of the string in the input. The numbers on each line will be sorted increasingly and will have a single space between them.
Constraints and clarifications
- For points, it is guaranteed that the sum of lengths of all strings in the input will not exceed
- For another points, it is guaranteed that the sum of lengths of all strings in the input will not exceed
- For the last points, the sum of lengths of all strings in the input will not exceed .
1 2 3 6
The periods of are which have lengths .