Farmula 1

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"It's lights out and away we go" - David Croft

You became a fan of Formula 1 this year and you decided to invent your own championship where the fastest vehicles can get glory, trophies and wins -- except the only vehicles eligible to compete are tractors!

Since you want to make this event as exciting as possible, you decided to name your championship Farmula 1, to give watchers a better idea of what to expect - a combination of circuits and tractors. Now, you seek to follow your driver friend Daniel's results throughout a season, without looking at the results of other drivers. You want to find out whether Daniel did well enough to win the Farmula 1 championship, however the other drivers performed.

The season has NN races and there are 2020 tractors registered for the championship. You also know Daniel's placement in each of the races. Specifically, for each race we codify the result as the final position of the driver at the end of the race, an integer between 11 and 2020 (for simplicity, we assume that everyone finishes every race).

A very fast tractor!\text{A very fast tractor!}


Given NN numbers encoding Daniel's results, your task is to decide whether he won the championship, however the other drivers performed!

Scoring system of Farmula 1

For each race, the top ten drivers get points as follows:

  • the first place gets 2525 points,
  • the second place gets 1818 points,
  • the third place gets 1515 points,
  • the fourth place gets 1212 points,
  • the fifth place gets 1010 points,
  • the sixth place gets 88 points,
  • the seventh place gets 66 points,
  • the eighth place gets 44 points,
  • the ninth place gets 22 points, and
  • the tenth place gets 11 point.

If there is a tie for the first place at the end of the season, it is resolved as a championship win for all drivers in question.

Input data

On the first line you are given TT, the number of test cases.

Each test case consists of two lines. On the first line you are given NN, the number of races.
On the next line you are given NN integers PiP_i, the ii-th of them being the position Daniel got in the ii-th race.

Output data

For each testcase, print a single line containing the message Champion, if the driver did well enough to be a champion, or Practice harder otherwise.

Constraints and clarifications

  • 1T10001 \le T \le 1000.
  • 1N1001 \le N \le 100.
  • 1Pi201 \le P_i \le 20 for each i=0N1i=0 \ldots N-1.
  • The test cases are separated by new lines (important to know for Python users).
# Points Constraints
1 0 Examples.
2 20 N5N \le 5, that is, there are at most 55 races in a season.
3 20 Daniel finished in first or second place in all races.
4 60 No additional limitations.



1 2 2 1 1
8 1 1 2 3
2 2 1 1
5 11 3 1 1 4 6 2 1


Practice harder
Practice harder


In the first sample case, the driver won the championship irrespective of the results of other drivers: they earned 25+18+18+25+25=11125+18+18+25+25 = 111 points in total. It can be proven that no other driver can achieve a better score.

In the second sample case, Daniel has a score of 4+25+25+18+15=874+25+25+18+15=87 it is possible for another driver to win the championship, for example, by placing first in the fourth race and second in every other race. This would grant them a score of 18+18+18+25+18=9718 + 18 + 18 + 25 + 18 = 97.

In the third sample case, the driver earned 18+18+25+25=8618+18+25+25=86 points. It can be proven that the maximum possible total score that a different driver may earn over the season is 8686, resulting in a tie. According to the rules, the championship title would awarded to both drivers in this scenario.

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